Student Teaching Experience
in New Zealand
• Choose New Zealand for your practical teaching experience.
• Benefit from first-hand teacher training in one of the world’s best reading/literacy programmes.
• Participate in a teaching practicum of five, six, seven, eight or sixteen weeks’ duration with highly skilled mentor teachers.
• Home stay with a New Zealand family.
• Explore and enjoy the sights and natural beauty of New Zealand.
JCL places student teachers in both high schools and elementary/primary schools. We always endeavor to match the student teacher’s requirements and interests to that of the home stay family and their mentor teacher.
Student teacher information sheets are forwarded to families and schools prior to student teachers arriving.
All prospective homestays are visited by JCL to ensure that they are suitable for the student’s needs.
Student teachers will receive information and guidelines outlining the expectations of living with a homestay.
Homestay families will also receive information and guidelines on homestaying their student teacher.
JCL will arrange the meeting of student teachers at the airport and transferring them to their homestay.
JCL maintain contact with the student teachers during their stay in New Zealand.
If you are interested in participating in this program in New Zealand you will need to contact your Field Experience Office/Coordinator of International Internships or whoever is responsible for study abroad programs.
Collaboration is required between JCL and the student’s University in order to fulfill the requirements of the University’s studies abroad program i.e.
All evaluation procedures and information will need to be sent to mentor teachers for completion.
JCL will provide a visiting supervising lecturer who will make two visits to evaluate the student’s performance and submit this evaluation directly to the student’s University.